Free Vintage Camera Images

These are some way cute vintage cameras I designed for use on your next invite, blog, or to put somewhere on a wall! If you are interested in changing the colors, I hope you’ll consider purchasing them here. Photoshop files are included with these.


If these come in handy for one of your projects, perhaps you could say thanks in several ways.

Share the link to this page or hover over it and pin it!


51 thoughts on “Free Vintage Camera Images

  1. Hello! I love this so much and was wondering if it’d be okay to use for my new photography logo…I understand if thats not okay, just thought i’d ask!

  2. Erin,

    I’m flattered. *blushes. Of course you can use em for your logo! It would be awesome if you could somewhere on your site, in a blog post, etc give a little shout out or link to my site somewhere, but I’m certainly not gonna make any demands.

    It would also bring me joy to see your end product. Oh, and thanks for making my day!

    1. Oh my gosh of course I will give you a shout out! :) thank you so much! I’m wondering if its possible to split the cameras up…i’m wondering if the group of 4 of them would be a bit much for a logo, if you don’t want me to do that though thats totally fine and I will see what I can do with the four of them :)

    2. I’ve been pinning all your work and singing your praises everywhere! I don’t think you realize how talented you are, but I love your modesty!

      Thank you for your amazing works of art and generosity! !

  3. Erin,

    Sure! They are downloadable up there under the second link. Should have all 4 images separate. Let me know if you need anything else. Oh, and if you need any help with logo, blog, etc. I am always available for hire. Blogger blogs going for $150 Tehe. Harmless plug! :)

  4. I love your harmless plug :)! i have been creeping on here all day. I am actually switching to a folio website so won’t be using blogger anymore…do you do anything for folio? Also, where are you located?

  5. Hey! I was wondering if it was okay to use this design on our yearbook t-shirts? we are not using it to make money or anything. Just as a class shirt. We would really appreciate it! We all absolutely love the design! thanks!

  6. these are awesome, i especially like the old instant one. thanks for making these available for both personal and commercial use. if i ever use them on anything in my etsy shop i’ll be sure to link back to you ;)

  7. these are just lovely! you are certainly talented I just love the style of these, I was wondering what your take on commercial use is? I redo old frames and create quote prints to put inside to sell on my etsy store, I could absolutely credit and link your site, I just wanted to touch base before using : ) I keep stumbling back to your site, it is great !!


  8. Hi there! I love all of your design so berry much! I run a small home-based etsy shop that sells stickers and I’d love to use some of your commercial-friendly freebies! I just designed a sheet (with big letters that says “Courtesy of the Wonderful Angie Makes @” at the bottom of the page). I’d credit you on every single sticker page, (how could I not, your doodles are so lovely). But given all of this, I still wanted to ask your permission to sell my stickers using your designs and crediting you, given that any and all of my listings using your designs will also contain a link to your website in the description box! If you would rather not have your designs sold in this way, that’s quite all right!!! I just wanted to ask first before I offend you or make you angry by using your designs without your permission. Either way, what lovely illustrations you produce!

    Get back to me when you can!


  9. Hey angie! Love all your makes!
    These are too cute and I was wondering if you have more cameras like this or if you do custom designs? I’m looking for ideas for a new logo for my photography water mark and I just love these. However, I would like my logo to be unique to me, ya know.

    Totally willing to shout you out on all my media platforms, if I do use any of your designs.

  10. Just wanted to let you know that I used one of these on my website and would love to shout you out as soon I hear back from you!

    If there is a legal issue with how I’ve used the graphic, please let me know and I will purchase the image from you.
    Thanks again,

  11. [url=]一項ごとに作品だけ1種あるいは多種の衰えぬ人気のタブ技術、例えば垂直使用雕刻刀の斜め曲線エッチング術、明るさと同時にアップに際立って飾り物;や透かし雕り技術、必要でまずカッター彫っ彫刻して飾るモデル、更に磨き滑らかな波紋ヤスリ。さまざまな花模様を反映している別のスキルは、例えば「勿忘草」柄の内を見せたエナメルケースエナメル大師非凡な技芸風変わりな黒金ケースは、鉛、銅、銀、硫黄やアンモニア塩の混合物にモデルに象眼して、それからエナメル大師窯に焼き、余分の材料をヤスリで磨き、より滑らかな表面を、植物の図案が現れる。宝石をちりばめ部分、ターコイズとガーネットを体現した芸術家に鮮やかな色を活用する。スーパーコピー時計は1項、靑いエナメル文字盤の黄金のブローチ表には、明るい色の宝石が真に迫っていて演じたみずみずしい花一輪エデンを静かに咲く。[/url]

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  17. These are adorable! May I use for commercial use (ie, on pillows, totes, etc..) and if so, any restrictions? Thanks for your amazing work :)

  18. Oh I love these! I`m updating my blog and I`m definitely going to be using some of your freebies to add a little cute touch. So talented. I’ve linked back to the site on all the freebies I’ve used and hopefully all my follows go and check them out because there amazing.

  19. Hey there! I am just launching my very own shop, I am a small teen lifestyle blogger, and I am creating prints to purchase once my shop! Would I be able to use one of your cameras in a design I intend to sell? There will be added text or a background image as well as the camera image.

    Thank you,

  20. Hi, what beautiful graphics! I was wondering if I could use one of these for my header design. Of course I would put a link someplace on my blog! Thank you so much!

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