Another freebie for all you you folks who are digging the hand lettering / messy brush trend that’s so popular right now. In honor of Thanksgiving and all things fall, I’ve included some hand lettered “Thankful,” “Blessed,” and other happy words (Not all are pictured!) I whipped these up using these hand brushed lettering techniques + Photoshop.
Oh, and what a great reminder that we should all be thankful for what God’s given us eh? I was super inspired after reading Shelby’s post (Ahem… she’s running her site on an Angie Makes WordPress theme!) She’s a super talented photographer and shares a photo each Tuesday of something she’s thankful for. It’s really a beautiful way to appreciate the small things in life and to focus on what’s really important.
Aaaanyways. Back to the free brushes.
If you’re not familiar on how to use brushes in Photoshop, it’s high time you learn. They’re pretty awesome. Check out the short video below for a SUPER basic overview.
Terms of use on these are as follows:
- Free for personal use. This means use on your blogs, in your blog headers, and personal print projects. Nonprofit use is also ok.
- No commercial use on these please. If you want some cheap images for small commercial use, check out the Angie Makes Stock Shop.
- Please do not distribute these files. Instead, just link back to this post. Kapeesh?
If these come in handy for one of your projects, perhaps you could say thanks in several ways.
- Follow on Pinterest
- Follow On Instagram
- Pin the image above
- Or join the email list below so you’ll be the first to know about future freebies and awesomeness. I never spam. EVER. :)
You are such a gem for sharing these! Being grateful is what I want to most focus on in 2015, so I’m thrilled to be able to use these brushes to design my new planner cover. Thank you a hundred times over! <3
Happy to share! So glad you were able to put them to good use. :) Yay for being thankful!
Oooo Freebies!
My new blog is going through some design changes and I love these brushes.
Thanks Sarah.
Yay for freebies! Yay for design changes! :)
The fact these are all free….. you’ve just made my life so much easier. Thank you!!
Best thing that happened to me today is coming across your blog! Everything is so pretty!! :)
I have had my Mac for a few months now and just love it. I purchased it to help bring my blog to the next level. I do not have photo shop yet and I was wondering is there any other programs already on the Mac that would allow me to use the frames and other free designs you shared? Thank you so much, Erica
Yes. Try ;)
Hi Angie,
I can’t figure out how to “flip” the brush to make the mirror image of the laurel. How do you do it? Thank you! I am having so much fun experimenting. :)
Thank you so much for these!
You have really helped me create the website I wanted.
I already know which blogpost I’m gonna use this ones on!
I would LOVE to download these but am having the hardest time getting the file to open on my Mac. It comes up with an error message- “broken pipe.” Any ideas on what I am doing wrong? Thank you for sharing your beautiful work!
Thanks, Angie! I love your artistic touch!
Hi Lovee,
absolutely love all your beautiful goodies. how would I go about using the brushes and such for my business logo? extended license or would you consider that personal use? I’m not making money of your brush. please let me know. thx hun.
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[url=]「スター』この映画を、マシュー・アカデミー影帝麦康纳(Matthew McConaughey)とアニー・海瑟薇(アンHathaway)などに主演、クリストファー・ノーラン(Christopher Nolan)監督。この映画は探検家たちの一番新しい発見、ワーム・ホールを利用して、人類の宇宙旅行の限界を超え、広大な宇宙に冒険する物語を航行する。舞台は近未来、男性の主役のクーパーは元NASA宇宙飛行士が、地球の気候の変化のため、作物栽培による食糧にくい人間の深刻な不足のときは、クーパーと女性科学者艾米莉亜(アンHathaway飾)らを担うた人類を救うの重要な計画が、太陽係外へ、人類の新しい生命力を探して。映画のシーンを撮影アイスランド中外星は、火山の爆発後黒砂に覆われた氷山人に一種ではおなじみのなじみのない感じ、醸し出す雰囲気完璧外星。主人公库パーキンは映画の最後に入った五维空間利用時間は線形」をコンセプトに、片侧を建てた90x60x45フィートの部屋で、映画の中で見たどうせ交差の線で、実際には3 Dプリントテクスチャ、これが現れる謎の五维空間。11月10日、「スター」を監督クリストファー・ノーラン连携主演マシュー・麦康纳、アン・海瑟薇などを含めた「スターを越えて》なく現れ上海新天地に参加し、映画の中国での初日舞台あいさつに出席しじゅうたんを見て[/url]
[url=]は素晴らしい万「FUN」の型の表をシンクロ以外にも、Swatch香港区開設の首の間の旗艦店を開店し、強力な販売網を構築。スーパーコピーブランドMr . Kevin Rollenhagen衆がナンシーだと、城の女神イケメンを鳴らす式獅子舞形にでき、一緒に巨大な「どら」にし、新しい自動車ボール砲杖、百の水素気球すぐさまゆっくりと打ち上げて、象徴「Swatch利園山道旗艦店」が開幕し、城人衆潮、VIP貴賓やメディア代表として出席して、一緒にこの腐表壇新話。[/url]
[url=]一方、スイス社会民主党、キリスト教民主党と労働組合連合など党グループは、これまでも公開言論を発表によると、2010年末スイス若者の失業者の数は大幅に増加。ロレックス スーパーコピー統計によると、今年2月にスイス24歳以下の若い人の失業率は前年同月比3割。上記の予測と言論令スイス国民は、国家経済と就職の見通しが心配になり、国を挙げての注目の話題。民衆の要求は、連邦政府と各州が再び登場力強い経済政策の振興。[/url]
[url=]同様にこれらの魅力的な機微のすべての商標、クラブでより明らかにしようと、ダイヤルブローバ時計マンチェスターユナイテッド・クラブの冠の上で見られることができます。 ブランド時計コピー激安通販 有名な頂上、1971年以降は、シャツの上の中心部分を飾る時のサブダイヤル、と悪魔(愛情”として知られるフレッド・ファンによって赤」)、竜頭の上で見られることができます。[/url]
LOL @ “I may scream, hurl my laptop across the room, or kick a puppy” No we would not,I love your work, very inspiring.
These brushes are very detailed and are therefore great for high-resolution printed materials and also for web banners. You can use these brushes for creating posters, flyers and brochures related to Thanksgiving and Autumn in general. They are also useful for gift tags, greeting cards, and invitation cards.
This is the first time visit this site and i found this is one of the best site on google .
¡Muchas gracias por esto! Realmente me escorts maduras Tucuman ayudaron a construir el sitio web que quería.
Wow! This could be one of the best blogs we’ve ever read about the topic.