Cute Lace Doilies- Free Lace Doily Vector

free lace doily vector

*Update! 9/18/14* Due to the popularity of these little vector doilies, I’ve added a few more handmade ones in the image below. Hope you enjoy!

free lace doily vector doily download |

It’s yet another freebie Friday. Hip hip hooray!

Feel free to use these cute lil lace doily vectors on any projects you may have. Commercial, personal, or to make Valentines for your school crushes. Comments make me happy, and I’d love to see how you use em but they are certainly not required. Links back to this site are MUCH appreciated.

If you enjoy these little free lace doilies, say thanks in one of the following ways:

Share the link to this page or pin it! And leave a few links to your creations in the comments below, I’d love to see them.

Oh, and you can purchase more doily vectors I made here for $6.

lace doily vector

And Here are the Free Doilies From the First Image:

angie makes free downloads |

Download Hand Drawn Doilies here:

angie makes free downloads |


52 thoughts on “Cute Lace Doilies- Free Lace Doily Vector

  1. THANKS!! I’ve been looking for doily vectors everywhere! I plan to use it in my best friends bridal shower invitation. I’ll try and post a link to my final product.

  2. Yay! I am so glad you found these. Hooray. I’d love to see the invite. I bet it will turn out super cute.

    1. Chelsea,

      SO brilliant! I love your cute little anniversary card. Wow! I’m blown away by the creativity!


  3. I’ll keep these for a future project or for an afternoon tea invite. Thanks so much for sharing your talent!

  4. I’ve tried to get the doilies from the first image…but all that appears is “[wpdm_file id=17]”. Can you relink, please? :)

  5. Hi! These are super pretty, thank you for sharing, and double thank you for allowing commercial use on them! Are the fist 4 vector doilies still available? The link to download them at the end of the post is broken/not there.

  6. I love these doilys but like Marissa I’ve tried to get the doilies from the first image…but all that appears is “[wpdm_file id=17]”. Can you relink, please? :)

    Thank you!

  7. Thank you so much! so long searching for doilies! I really loved them and the roses too.. keep it up! more power :* <3

  8. I adore these. I must have an antique version of Illustrator because it doesn’t recognize the file :( I have Cs3. I know right, ancient.

  9. Hi! I really love these but it seems only a MAC file is there and I can’t open it on Windows. Is there any way to be able to open them on Windows?

    Thanks :)

  10. Hi Angie. I downloaded the first set and when I pull it up in PhotoShop Elements, the doilies are all together and on a colored background. Are they still available as a vector file?

  11. I have Windows and can’t open the 1st doilies either. Can you let us know when it is fixed? Thank you Angie! I love your work!

  12. Hi! Thanks so much for these doilies! I love your work. I’m planning on using these for my brother and sister-in-law’s wedding invites and other wedding materials (should they need them). I’m not charging them for the work…still, wanted to make sure that was ok? I can send you the pdf :) Sending them to the printer today!

  13. I LOVE THESE! They are exactly what I have been looking for! However, I can’t use the vectors as I don’t have photoshop. Is there a way you could give them to me in a PNG file? I use online edit programs like iPiccy and PicMonkey. I want to use the doily and overlay it on a watercolor image. It would look so pretty. Thank you!

  14. Thank you so much! I plan to use it as my logo for my craft blog! But I run into a problem, the file type downloaded is .eps. I can’t seem to open it. I only have Fireworks in my computer.

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  20. 多くの探検家選択を探検装備のボル表、今度は究極の腕時計を探検運動。FiremanストームChaser腕時計も獲得しアメリカ竜巻研究家の胡文博士の同情。この黒い表面の腕時計をして新しい多機能クロノ発揮はクロノメーターのほか、余分に提供した速度計と距離計の実用的な機能になるとなり、勇敢な「群れ者”たちの装備の一つ。スーパーコピーまた以前発表したEngineer DiverⅡGMTも登場し、この採用DLCめっきとアナログ時計バンドの限界潜水しジオン·乃瑞潜など113メートルの深海、再び世界記録を破った素手で潜水。そのマイナス40度抗低温の能力も確保でき、潜水勇士寒い深海で正確な時間を把握する。

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  23. 会見のゲストが含まれます:ロレックス最高経営責任者官迈ヤルノ(Bruno Meier)さん、国家体育総局にボールが運動管理センターの主任、中国ゴルフ協会副会長兼秘書長张小宁さん、中国ゴルフ協会副会長王立伟さん、上海市体育局副局長陈一平さん、上海市体育局競争処処長崔一宁さん、R&Aアジア太平洋区総監多米尼兄・ヴォル(Dominic Wall)さん、アメリカPGA選手権国際事務常務副総裁Ty Votawさんや身をロレックス巡茶」の世界トップ選手梁文冲。

  24. 具体的には、業界、私たちも観察して西部地域に贅沢な表の検索の伸びが目立つ。特に、ブランドの認知度で最も急速に成長し、毎年8 . 4%のスピードで増加(比べ東部地区は4 . 8%)。確かに、数年前まで通り上海や北京など大都市東部のように、贅沢なブランドに殺到して西部間近表。

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