The Finally Newly Remade Angie Makes

Finally. Our little spot on the web got has gotten its very needed makeover.

Let’s just say I can totally relate to the bloggers who have come to us over the years dissatisfied with how their current blog looked because it just wasn’t them. Yep. We gotcha.

For much of this year we’ve been so busy managing various projects that the site you’re on has been put WAY on the back burner. Ever heard the quote, “The cobbler’s son has no shoes?” Well, that’s basically how things have been around here. We’ve been so busy working to get everyone else’s site looking great that ours hmm… left something to be desired.

So here are a few thoughts on the new design.

We wanted something simple, modern, yet feminine. There were several things about the old site layout that were driving us bonkers like…

1. Slow loading speeds. We didn’t want to have to deal with the hassle of switching hosts, but we found that our site just wasn’t loading fast enough. For those of you who have sites with a lot of visitors and are concerned about how quickly your site loads, you can check out how fast it loads here. We transitioned over to host our site with Bluehost and are paying more per month for some sweet servers. We’re SO glad we made this decision. We’ve been more than impressed with the new loading speeds.

2. The tiny featured image / image preview for our blog posts on the blog page. We really wanted readers to be drawn to attractive graphics and the tiny 300px by 300px image just wasn’t cutting it.

3. The product pages featured a default Woocommerce look that I just wasn’t that into. We made the style a bit more pretty, added a larger add to cart button,  made things look more organized, and added a nice share button so that users can easily share our products that they think are great on social media channels.

4. The navigation. The way you organize your menus is a pretty huge design decision. There were a few pages on our site that we wanted to pull out to draw more attention to like our popular freebies page and a page for new users who are trying to find out how to set up a WordPress blog.

5. The design elements. Overall, they were just too… hmm. Cutesy. It really is true that your design style develops and changes over the years. Can I be honest and say I can look back at some of my earlier designs and say I don’t even like them? It’s true. Happens to the best of us.

Anyhow, what do you think?

Oh, and stay tuned… you may just be able to get the copycat look for yourself! :)

16 thoughts on “The Finally Newly Remade Angie Makes

  1. It looks great!! Sorry I’m only just now seeing it, but I love it. I so know what you mean about the cobbler’s son has no shoes thing! Ugh, I can’t wait to redesign mine. It’s on the agenda for early next year :)

    Love the new nav and the category buttons up top. Great job!

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  3. It’s about time our website got the makeover it desperately tiny fishing needed. I understand the frustration of bloggers who feel like their website doesn’t reflect their true selves.

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  5. I can totally relate to the struggle of prioritizing client work over personal projects. It’s so true that sometimes we neglect our own space while helping others shine. cookie clicker

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